International, National and State Level Presentations
Elemen, E. J. (2025, July). Teaching AI ethics, critical media literacy and digital citizenship [Conference presentation]. National Association for Media Literacy (NAMLE) Conference, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2025, June). Co-design/create counterdemos: Critical digital media GenAI literacy, ethics, and justice [Conference presentation]. International Society for Technology in Education, ISTE Live 25, Virtual.
Zapien, R. & Elemen, J. E. (2025, February - May). Responsible AI for TK-12 education leaders [Community of practice]. 21st Century California School Leadership Academy, Bay Area Regional Academy, University of California, Berkeley, Virtual.
AI literacy: What is it and why does it matter? [Webinar]. (2025, March). California Department of Education.
Elemen, J. E. (2025, March). Empowering youth co-design for critical digital citizenship, media literacy, and AI ethics [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies 64th Annual Conference, Burlingame, CA.
Elemen, J. E. & Zapien, R. (2025, February). Critical AI literacy: Empowering youth for education justice [Conference presentation]. CISC Leadership Symposium, Anaheim, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2025, January). Empowering critical GenAI literacy with UDL 3.0. CA UDL Leading the Way Summit, Stockton, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2025, January). Tinkering with GenAI. Leading for Equity Winter Summit: Understanding the Impact of the Digital Age on Our Most Vulnerable Students. 21CSLA Bay Area Regional Academy, Berkeley, CA.
Elemen, J. E. & Gonzalez, E. (2025, January). Critical AI literacy and the future of education [Podcast episode 33]. California Educators Together Podcast.
Possibilities and problems of generative AI as a resource for learning [Webinar]. (2024, December). 21CSLA Research-Practice Webinar.
Elemen, J. E. & Lang, M. (2024, December). Cultivating critical GenAI literacy, ethics, equity and justice [Conference presentation]. Quantum Ten International Educational Conference, Riverside, CA.
Laskar, T. & Elemen, J. E. (2024, October). Designing professional learning to support equity leaders to understand the ethical implications of artificial intelligence [Breakout session]. 21CSLA Fall 2024 Collective Retreat, Berkeley, CA.
Pellegrin, N., Elemen, J. E., Fuentes, A., & Nguyen, T. (2024, August). Artificial Intelligence: Where are we now? [Keynote speaker panel]. Peralta Community College District, Professional Development Flex Day, Oakland, CA.
Elemen, J. E., Galván, Z. J., & Magdaleno, K. (2024, August). Cultivating critical AI literacy leadership, policy and practice centering equity and justice [Conference presentation]. California Latino School Boards Association, Unity Conference, Monterey, CA.
Elemen, J. E., Crouse, L., & Gomez, M. (2024, August). Critical media literacy #MisinfoDay with youth and community [Conference presentation]. Civics of Technology Conference, Virtual.
Frame, A., Howe, C., Elemen, J. E., Gomez, M., Andres-Salgarino, M. B., & Escobar, R. (2024, July). California Cohort Day [Conference presentation]. Climate Generation Summer Institute for Climate Change Education, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2024, July). Equity-centered education leaders cultivating critical digital, media, and civic literacy [Conference presentation]. National Association for Media Literacy Education Conference, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2024, June). Critical digital leadership: Digitally mediated learning for equity, justice and joy [Conference presentation]. International Society for Technology in Education, ISTE Live, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2024, April). Cultivating critical AI literacy and digital citizenship for equity and justice [Conference presentation]. Peralta Online Equity Conference, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E., Gomez, M., Azama, Y., Diaz-Garcia, L., & Allen Smith, T. (2024, March). Empowering youth with the State Seal of Civic Engagement: District implementation journey [Poster session]. Carnegie Summit on Improvement in Education, San Diego, CA.
McTygue, N. & Elemen, J. E. (2024, February). Inquiry now: Equity-centered instructional leadership [Conference presentation]. CISC Leadership Symposium, Monterey, CA.
Zapien, R. & Elemen, J. E. (2023, October - 2024, May). Ethical AI for TK-12 education leaders [Community of practice]. 21st Century California School Leadership Academy, Bay Area Regional Academy, University of California, Berkeley, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2023, July). Education leaders advancing equity with UDL and digitally mediated learning [Conference presentation]. The 9th Annual CAST UDL Symposium: Through the Lens of UDL.
Elemen, J. E., Allen Smith, T., Diaz-Garcia, L. (2023, June). Scaling up justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion with civic engagement [Conference presentation]. National Council for the Social Studies JEDI in the Social Studies, Virtual.
Elemen. J. E. (2023, May). Digitally mediated learning equity leadership [Webinar]. Center for Equity Leadership and Research (CLEAR).
Black, D., Gomez, M., Reynolds, M., Elemen, J., & Manos, M. (2023, May). National Day of Action: California educators teach-in [Webinar]. California Council for the Social Studies and the African American Policy Forum, Virtual.
Elemen. J. E. (2023, March). Leaders advancing equity with digitally mediated learning [Conference presentation]. Spring CUE 2023, Palm Springs, CA.
Azama, Y., Diaz-Garcia, L., Allen Smith, T., Gomez, M., Elemen, J. E., & O. Santillan. (2023, February). Youth global citizenship with the State Seals of Civic Engagement and Biliteracy [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies 62nd Annual Conference, Santa Clara, CA.
Allen Smith, T., Diaz-Garcia, L., & Elemen, J. E.. (2023, February). Educators scaling up justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion with youth civic engagement [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies 62nd Annual Conference, Santa Clara, CA.
Elemen, J., Allen Smith, T., & Diaz-Garcia, L. (2023, January). Co-designing a school district's justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion plan with continuous improvement for antiracism [Conference presentation]. California Association of Latino Superintendents and Administrators Focus on Results Conference, Monterey, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2022, March). Student voice for social justice: Transformative social emotional learning and civic engagement [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies 61st Annual Conference, Orange County, CA.
Elemen, J. E., et al. (2022, February). Advocating at your school for LGBTQ+ families [Panelist]. Our Family Coalition, Webinar.
Flores, B., Elemen, J. E., & Lei, G. (2021, December). Developing and supporting your local literacy plan [Conference presentation]. California School Boards Association (CSBA) Annual Education Conference and Trade Show, San Diego, CA.
Adams, T., Elemen, J. E., Lewis, G., & Boonchouy, R. (2021, December). Elevating youth civic engagement and the State Seal [Conference presentation]. California School Boards Association (CSBA) Annual Education Conference and Trade Show, San Diego, CA.
Baltazar-Sabbah, B., Elemen, J. E., & Gomez, M. (2021, November). Elevating student voice and civic engagement [Conference presentation]. ACSA Leadership Summit, San Francisco, CA.
Howerter, J., Elemen, J. E., Flores, B., Lei, G., Turkie, A. (2021). Culturally sustaining pedagogy: Part 1 & Part 2 [Webinars]. California Department of Education's Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant Resource Repository, Virtual.
Salud, A., Elemen, J. E., Greer, S., Salinas, J., Martinez, G., Gomez, D., & Galvan, S. (2021, July). Elevating youth civic engagement and the State Seal [Conference presentation]. California Association of Clerks and Election Officials (CACEO), Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. & Franzell, W. (2021, March). Enviroliteracy, civics, and equitable blended learning [Conference presentation]. Spring CUE, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E., Santillan, O., Guajardo, L., & Ramirez, A. (2021, March). Addressing the civic debt: How to create equitable civic empowerment in schools [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies 60th Annual Conference, Virtual.
Elemen. J. E., Ng, E., Guajardo, L., Camarena, D., Hyder, R., & Budz, T. (2021, March). Assessment, grading, and feedback for learning: Centering equity [Webinar]. CISC ELA/ELD Subcommittee Meeting, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2020, November). 2020 College Transitions & Curriculum Institute Equity and Learning in a Global Pandemic / Equidad y Aprendizaje en medio de una Pandemia. Presentation at Hartnell College, Virtual.
McDonald, K., Jacks, E., Petty, K., Elemen, J. E., & Slutsky, B. (2020, May). Support for distance learning: the History-Social Science and English Language Arts/English Language Development Frameworks [Webinar]. California Department of Education Distance Learning Webinar Series.
Salazar, D., Elemen, J. E., & Porter, E. (2020, April). Empowered EdTech ELD strategies [Conference presentation]. California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) Conference, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E., Enriquez, S., Santillan, O., & Doten, B. (2020, January & 2019, November). History-social science literacy and language development [Conference presentations]. California Statewide History-Social Science Community of Practice CLIC (Content, Literacy, Inquiry, and Citizenship) Project, Sacramento, CA.
Elemen, J. E., Enriquez, S. & Santillan, O. (2019, December). ELD protocols in history-social science [Conference presentation]. California History-Social Science Framework Conference. California State University, East Bay, Hayward, CA.
Elemen, J. E., Martin, D., Santillan, O., & Gomez, M. (2019, March). History-Social Science Framework Implementation Project, Region 5: Inquiry, civics, and ELD [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies 58th Annual Conference, San Jose, CA.
Elemen, J. E., James. B., Lamont, R., & Amador, K. (2019, March). EdTech ELD strategies for history-social science and C3 readiness [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies 58th Annual Conference, San Jose, CA.
Monterey County Youth Leadership Panel & Elemen, J. E. (2019, March). Monterey County Youth Leadership Panel and focus group [Conference presentation]. All in for Equity Conference. Monterey County Office of Education, Seaside, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2018, March). Student voice: Language and civic learning opportunities [Conference presentation]. California Association for Bilingual Education Conference, Sacramento, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2018, March). The Constitution, civic learning, and ELD [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies 57th Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Elemen, J. E., Hayes, M., Herczog, M. M., Smith, S., & Wilson, T. (2018, March). The California History-Social Science Instructional Materials Adoption Toolkit [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies Conference, San Diego, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2017, November). New History-Social Science Framework implementation resources for English learners [Conference presentation]. National Council for the Social Studies Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Elemen, J. E., Salazar, D., & Showalter-Garcia, J. (2017, April). Civic learning opportunities for student voice and language development [Poster presentation]. Region 5 National Bilingual/Multilingual Advocacy Month Showcase, Morgan Hill, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2017, March). Synthesizing framework tools to maximize civic learning and English language development [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies 56th Annual Conference, Sacramento, CA.
McTygue, N., Contreras, Y., Hatanaka, J., & Elemen, J. E. (2017, January). Professional learning [Conference presentation]. California History-Social Science Framework Rollout Launch Event, UC Davis.
Elemen, J. E. (2015, March). Increasing civic participation: High school students’ participation in distributed leadership [Conference presentation]. California Council for the Social Studies 54th Annual Conference, Oakland, CA.
Keynote, Regional and Local Level Presentations
Elemen, J. E. & Ayala, K. (2024, July). BeGLAD Middle School Training. Manteca Unified School District.
Elemen, J. E. (2023, July). Transformative practices for belonging and community [Keynote address]. Restorative Justice Retreat, Salinas Union High School District, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2022, May). Project Soapbox [Co-host]. Spring Mainstage Showcase, Salinas Union High School District, Salinas, CA. Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2021, March). Hearing our students' stories: The power of empathy. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA. Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2020, November). 2020 College Transitions & Curriculum Institute Equity and Learning in a Global Pandemic / Equidad y Aprendizaje en medio de una Pandemia. Presentation at Hartnell College, Salinas, CA. Virtual.
Salazar, D. A., Elemen, J. E., & Porter, E. (2020, October - 2021, February). English Learner Roadmap Teacher Toolkits webinar series. Presentation at the Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA. Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. & Porter, E. (2020, November). History-social science as a lever for language and literacy webinar. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. & Porter, E. (2020, October-November). Project based blended learning webinar series. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2020, September). Civic education in Monterey County. California State University, Chico, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2020, September). Civic education in Monterey County. The League of United Latin American Citizens California Salinas LULAC Council #2055, Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2020, September-November). Universal Design for Learning (UDL) advanced webinar series. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA. Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2020, August). Educational technology and equitable learning design webinar. Newark Junior High School Back-to-School Professional Development, Newark, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2020, August). History-social science inclusive practices for equity and community webinar. Region 5 History-Social Science Community of Practice CLIC Project. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA. Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. (2020, April). EdTech ELD strategies webinar. Presentation at the Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Salazar, D. A., Elemen, J. E., & Porter, E. (2020, February). English Learner Roadmap Teacher Toolkits. Gonzales High School, Gonzales, CA.
Martin, D., Bunch, G., Bernadino, E., Santillan, O., Elemen, J. E., & Gomez, M. (2019, October - 2020, April). The Content, Literacy, Inquiry, and Citizenship Project: Implementing California’s History-Social Science Framework, Region 5 Community of Practice. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA and Virtual.
Elemen, J. E. & Porter, E. (2019, October). Close reading. Vista Verde Middle School, Greenfield, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2019, September - 2019, November). CPACE Academy. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Salazar, D. A., Elemen, J. E., & Porter, E. (2019, September). BeGLAD (ELD) training and certification. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2019, August - 2020, March). Census 2020. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2019, July - December). Constitution Project: Teaching history with Hamilton! Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2019, June). History-social science-civics summer jam. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Salazar, D. A. & Elemen, J. E. (2019, April). Curriculum mapping. Junipero Serra School, Carmel, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2019, March - June). Formative assessment for English language development. Paso Robles High School, Paso Robles, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2019, February). Access, equity, integrated ELD, and history-social science. San Benito High School, Hollister, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2019, January - March). History-Social Science Framework instructional materials adoption. North Monterey County Unified School District, Castroville, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2019, January - February). Character based literacy, UDL, and integrated ELD. Monterey County Office of Education, Alternative Education Program, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2019, January). History-Social Science Framework implementation. Chualar Union School District, Chualar, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2019, January). History-Social Science Framework implementation. Carmel Unified School District, Carmel, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2019, January). History-Social Science Framework implementation. Soledad Unified School District, Soledad, CA.
Salazar, D. A., Elemen, J. E., & Porter, E. (2018, December). Policy updates. Monterey County Office of Education, English learner Collaborative Network, Salinas, CA.
Salazar, D. A., Elemen, J. E., & Porter, E. (2018, December). Paraprofessionals and extended learning teachers: Supporting all students and English learners. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Salazar, D. A., Elemen, J. E., & Porter, E. (2018, November). BeGLAD (ELD) training and certification. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Salazar, D. A., Elemen, J. E., & Porter, E. (2018, November). California English Learner Roadmap. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E., Martin, D., Hess, D., Santillan, O., Gomez, M., & Row, L. (2018, October). The Content, Literacy, Inquiry, and Citizenship Project: Implementing California’s History-Social Science Framework, Region 5 Community of Practice Launch. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. & Salazar, D. A. (2018, October). Integrated ELD/History-Social Science demonstration lesson. Monterey County Office of Education Alternative Education Program, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E., Salazar, D. A., & Franzell, W. (2018, September-November). ELA/ELD Framework implementation with GLAD strategies for ELs and ALLs. Bay View Academy, Monterey, CA.
Salazar, D. A., Cruz-Gonzalez, X., & Elemen, J. E. (2018, September). Supporting immigrant and refugee students. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2018, September). History-Social Science Adoption Toolkit training. Gonzales Unified School District at the Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2018, August). Implementing the History-Social Science Framework with C3 argumentative writing and instructional materials adoption. North Monterey County Unified School District, Castroville, CA.
Salazar, D. A. & Elemen, J. E. (2018, August). English language development, ELPAC, and ELD in the Content of History-Social Science. Monterey County Office of Education, Alternative Education Program, Salinas, CA.
Salazar, D. A. & Elemen, J. E. (2018, August). English language development, ELPAC, and literacy in history-social science. Monterey County Office of Education, Migrant Education Program, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2018, April). CAASPP Teacher Guides and assessment. Chualar Union School District, Chualar, CA.
Salazar, D. A. & Elemen, J. E. (2018, March). BeGLAD (ELD) demonstration lessons. San Ardo Union School District, San Ardo, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2018, March). Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and differentiating instruction. El Sausal Middle School, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2018, March). History-Social Science Instructional Materials Adoption Toolkit training and publishers fair. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2018, January). Civic Learning Partnership launch. Monterey County Office of Education, Curriculum Leadership Council, Salinas, CA.
Salazar, D. A., Elemen, J. E., Porter, E., & Franzell, W. (2018, January - 2020, January). Language and literacy for paraprofessionals and extended learning teachers. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2017, October). The History-Social Science Framework and economic education. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Salazar, D. A. & Elemen, J. E. (2017, October). BeGLAD (ELD) training and certification. San Ardo Union School District, San Ardo, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2017, September - 2018, April). Counselor leadership network. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2017, September). Common Core for Americorps. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2017, August). The History-Social Science Framework. King City Union School District, King City, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2017, August). Literacy strategies and writing across the curriculum with ELD. Monterey County Home Charter School, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2017, August). CAASPP Teacher Guides and assessment. San Ardo Union School District, San Ardo, CA.
Elemen, J. E., Salazar, D. A., & Showalter-Garcia, J. (2017, April). Civic learning opportunities for student voice and language development. Region 5 National Bilingual/Multilingual Advocacy Month Showcase, Morgan Hill, CA.
Elemen, J. E. & Showalter-Garcia, J. (2017, April). Advocacy for equity. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2017, April). The History-Social Science Framework. Greenfield Union School District, Greenfield, CA.
Elemen, J. E. & Salazar, D. A. (2017, March). Power up your PLC: Common priority standards, assessments, and grading. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2017, March). The History-Social Science Framework and civic education. Monterey County Office of Education, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2017, February). Instruction and assessment: CCSS, CAASPP, and SAT. Pacific Grove Unified School District, Pacific Grove, CA.
Elemen, J. E., Darling, F., Showalter-Garcia, J., & Salazar, D. (2017, January-April). Culturally responsive pedagogy across the curriculum using a growth mindset perspective. Monterey High School, Monterey, CA.
Salazar, D. A., Showalter-Garcia, J., & Elemen, J. E. (2017, January). Close reading. Roosevelt Elementary School and Boronda Meadows Elementary School, Salinas City Elementary School District, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2016, November). “Monterey County CAASPP/SBAC data and college and career readiness.” Curriculum Institute, Hartnell College, Salinas, CA.
Elemen, J. E. (2016, October). Instruction and assessment: CCSS, CAASPP, and SAT. North Monterey County Unified School District, Castroville, CA.
Elemen, J. E. & Showalter-Garcia, J. (2016, September). Visual literacy and the digital age: Inquiry and literacy strategies and assessment. Monterey County Office of Education, Teacher Induction Program, Salinas, CA.
Common Core State Standards for Secondary Teachers. (2012). Fremont Unified School District, Fremont, CA.
California Department of Education Webinars
Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy: Part 1 & Part 2. (2021). Presentations at the Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant Resource Repository. California Department of Education.