Articles and Books
Elemen, J. E. (2024, October-November-December). Teaching critical GenAI literacy: Empowering students for a digital democracy. Literacy Today. International Literacy Association.
Zapien, R. & Elemen, J. E. (2024, November). Navigating AI in K-12 education with a critical lens. Civics of Technology Blog. Civics of Technology Project.
Elemen, J. E., Santillan, O., & Guajardo, L. (2021, January-February). Equitable civic empowerment in schools: Addressing the civic debt in democratic education. Leadership Magazine. Association of California School Administrators (ACSA).
Elemen, J. E., Enriquez, S., Santillan, O. & Slutsky, B. (2019, August). Inclusive literacy in history-social science. California History-Social Science Blog. California History-Social Science Project.
Elemen, J. E. (2019). Foreword In H. Roberts (Ed.), Peer advocates in action: A step-by-step curricular guide for trainers and coordinators of peer programs. Independently published.
Elemen, J. E. (2018). Social design-distributed leadership for civic learning. Scotts Valley, CA: CreateSpace.
Elemen, J. E. (2017, November-December). Student voice and equitable civic learning. Leadership Extra. Association of California School Administrators (ACSA).
Elemen, J. E. (2017). Student voice opportunities quantified by exploratory factor analysis In D. Mindrila (Ed.), Factor analysis in educational research: Applications in school improvement. Hauppauge NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Elemen, J. E. (2015). Students' high school organizational leadership opportunities and their influences on academic achievement and civic participation. Journal of Research in Education, 25(2), 4-18. Eastern Educational Research Association.
Cited in "Students’ participation in democratic school management: A systematic literature review" (Sousa & Feirera, & Journal of Social Science Education, 2024).
Dissertation (2015)
Open Education Resources
Elemen, J. E. (2024, November). Critical AI literacy, ethics, and justice. California Educators Together, High Quality Lessons.
21st Century California School Leadership Academy (21CSLA). (Monthly Newsletter). Leading for Equity.
California Council for the Social Studies (CCSS). (Monthly Newsletter). Spotlight.
California Educators Together. (2023-present). 21st Century California School Leadership Academy (Statewide Initiative Resource Group).
University of California, Berkeley, School of Education, Leadership Programs. (2023-present). Equity Leadership Now! Podcast.
21st Century California School Leadership Academy (21CSLA). (2023). Digitally mediated learning vignettes. University of California, Berkeley.
Purnell, R. D., Rodriguez-Kiino, D., Redix, A. T., Cooper, D. M., & Karandjeff, K. (2023). Advancing Equitable Dual Enrollment: Initial Findings from the ‘Dual Enrollment for Equitable Completion’ Initiative. Hayward, CA: RDP Consulting.
California Educators Together. (2020-2022). Literacy Resources Repository.
California Educators Together. (2020-2022). State Seal of Civic Engagement Resource Repository.
California Environmental Literacy Initiative. (2022). State Seal of Civic Engagement Environmental Literacy Implementation Guide.
Hodgin, E. & Bueso, L. (2022). Breaking New Ground with California's State Seal of Civic Engagement: Lessons from Year 1. Research Report, Leveraging Equity & Access in Democratic Education Initiative at UCLA & UC Riverside. (Full Report pp. 39, 53, & 57).
California Department of Education (CDE). (2021). Comprehensive State Literacy Plan.
Authentic Preparation Today (APT). (2020). State Seal of Civic Engagement Initial Implementation Resources.
History-Social Science Regional Leads of the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA). (2020). Bridging the Divide: California History-Social Science Lessons Optimized for Distance Learning.
California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA). (2018). History-Social Science Adoption Toolkit.
The California Task Force On K-12 Civic Learning. (2014). Revitalizing K-12 Civic Learning In California: A Blueprint For Action. (pp. 24, 27, 36, & 40)
California Educators Together. (2025). Critical AI literacy and the future of education.
Judicial Council Public Affairs. (2021). Profile: Central California youth organizer named Champion of Civics. California Courts Newsroom, Judicial Branch of California.
West, C. (2021). From the classrooms to the halls of government. Voices of Monterey Bay.
Brown, S. (2021). Monterey County kickstarts Youth Civic Engagement Program. Voices of Monterey Bay.
Jiménez, C. (2021). Even in a chaotic election year, young people—our future leaders—are rising to the occasion. Monterey County Weekly.
Roney, S. (2020). Young authors from South Monterey County compete in Steinbeck essay contest: Middle school students participate in day of writing. Greenfield News.
Meier, M. (2020). Monterey County Office of Education advocates for participation in 2020 Census. KION.
Cortez, F. (2020). 2020 census officials hope to work with Salinas schools. KSBW.
Linville, K. (2019). Monterey Co. 8th grade history teachers become students for a day, learn about Hamilton. KSBW.
Ponce, C. (2018). Washington Middle School students dive into Native American cultures. Salinas Californian.
Posnick-Goodwin, S. (2016). Politics in the classroom. California Educator, 21(2), 22-23.
Mercury News. (2015). Fremont senior selected to speak at AVID Summer Institute.
Mercury News. (2014). Kennedy High School in Fremont receives civic learning award from state officials.